He didnt talk as much until i asked
"SO do you like you your job, and be honest man?"
Big ass grin on his face.
as i laughed and pointed to him,
then we started talkin about that it puts bread on the table
"if it puts a sandwich on the table is great"
then he goes
"Two sandwich's is even better"
Then he asked me about what i wanted to do
"I want to be a journalist"
He then started talkin to me about he used to be lookin at the news 24/7. All day constantly, till the George W. Bush election, because "it was all full of lies".
I believe him on that one.
Then we started talkin more and he was actually really intellectual. He referred to be
a book by an associate(not work related) named Douglas Graham.
The book is called
Ideation:The Birth and Death of Ideas.

Basically what it talks about is how huge companies come up with good ideas and how you can come up with an idea, get it patent and possibly be successful...or a loser.
He was very smart and knew what he was talking about.
When he was my age, he said he was a player and messed with a lot of girls and used to do concerts with Elephant Man and Mr.Vegas...yea..He's from The Islands.lol
He also said that ppl nowadays perceived things wrong and see things jus for what they were built for.
He grabbed a plunger.
See i need something long to grab this cable
(we were tryna get a cable that was hanging out the window.
"But i can use this plunger as my tool to get it.
My tool or the plunger could have done the same thing, but ppl wont think to use the plunger...cuz its a plunger"
Then he spoke about my paintings.
"People might look at your art and say "Wow, what cause that man to view his painting as art?" "
"Thus sparking curiosity in them and try to figure out what i was tryna portray and why i made that painting."
"People can view things different and because theyre so many different people, it will cause them to look deeper to find out other views about things."
I can honestly say
I will not forget this day and how def. did effect me in a w ay.
Kudos Mr. DirecTV Appliance guy..
1 comment:
1st time ever readig something actually worth reading in a long time. wow ilike. =]
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