Thursday, August 6, 2009

Subjects that i will never fully understand.


Pretty to look at. Fun to talk to. Understanding them? Yea goodluck with that. Not even trying to complete complex maze filled with mirrors and lights while readin "A brief History in Time' can be as confusing as girls. Unattractive?- making believe u got 'maddd haters' hating on you on your myspace. Please shut the fuck up and grow up. No one is hating you. Your not that important. and your not ghetto so PLEASE dont start off your About Me like "Heyy wuz goodie myspacerzz. Diz be maria, aka gata, gatita, nena,nana,chikita,flaka, freakitona. NO ONE CALLS YOU THAT SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH


Space and time- Interesting topic but confusing. Me and my cousin get at this alot saying how no one in the future can come back in time to our time, because time machines dont exist...right now

Obnoxious Hispanic Guys on myspace- WHY??? its like trying to win a a Mentally-challenged Olympics. Yes you might win, but your the biggest retard out there. YEAAA GO YOU Mr. im hood and have cool sunglasses and have cool graphic tees look at me regeatton regeatton regeatton. GO do something usefull...meaning not riding around in ur Honda civic thinkin ur da shit.

Masturbation.- how come everytime i finish, i'm disgusted at myself then have to urinate?

Girls that state that they got hurt by their ex's..then go back to them- What are you? STUPID? apperently cuz u keep going back to them. Is it do you like pain? or do you like looking stupid, cuz if your aiming for both, your doing a great job. How about you learn your mistakes and move on. OOOO SIMPLE

Cars- I will never in my life fully understand the inner workings of a car.. a failure.

why do people work so hard, and end up with nothing but pain.- Self-explanatory

forgot this one on the girls section- Just cuz u copy and paste intellectual and witty phrases onto your myspace doesnt make u more interesting. When we really get to know you, your probably dumb as a fuckin twig in mud.

uhmm thats it for now.
il rant about sum random shit layta

these topics were just in my head at this moment




: ) said...

this is by far the best post you have ever made.

maria said...

thanks for usin my name as an example lol

Anonymous said...


IV. said...

I absolutely love this. You have no idea how great it is. It honestly makes me want to talk to you more lol

Oh damn ; KeaKea ! said...

Lemme help you :)

Bitches talk like that on myspace because they are simply insecure with who they are . So for them, their myspace is like their alter-ego. And their just ignorant ;) yet they copy and paste the smart stuff on their page to seeeem smart .

Same for the obnoxious spanish guys. Its the whole ego thing. Which to me is completly stupid. Not to mention pointless. That isnt only spanish guys though.

Girls that go back to their exes are just stupid. But they think they "love" them and that they will change so they wait around until they realize the guy isnt going to change. Believe me been there done that.

People working hard but ending up with nothing but pain ? Thats just life .

you masturbating ? lmfao only you can answer that cutie :)