Sunday, August 31, 2008
I lost it...
So the day goes by and whatnot.Then im outside,...again but with Jordan..and we were talking and somehow got to the topic on religion. idk to me it kinda got
It got to a scenario on
I had to think for a moment..cuz at this point of my life, i have lil faith.
Parachute failure= Realization that there MIGHT not be a heaven or hell or god.
Why take the risk? right?
Then i started thinking more and more about Ok
What if she's right? What happens to Muslims then? Buddhists? Hindu's? Where are they gonna go? Hell? It just doesnt seem right if thats so. Just cause they believe in their own religion and not ours doesnt mean they deserve eternal damnation. Just doesnt seem right.
Me? i have lil faith. Just on what has happen to me in my life, all the bad shit..I just..Lost it...
She then goes" you think its worth it? to get your faith back in God?".. be honest idk..I dont know..Maybe i do need to go to church often and actually pay attention. Maybe i Do need to get my faith back in Jesus and Believe in him and trust him..Maybe i do need to put on that parachute..and jump.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
So the cute lifeguard chick that works at the Clarion left to Ocala..=( there is no point for me to work there any more but..they dont listen to my cries. I have been workin there since Thursday and its been awful. Its hot and boring and hot and ugh and this bitch at the towl hut acts like she has a sand castle up ur vagina..shes a bitch yo.
So today..friday i got out @ 7 and iv been callin most of my friends to see if they wanted to hang. Mission failure so i was like fuck yo, i guess ima jus chill and relax for the night. Then i got a call from my friend he's like
"Yo wutchu doin"
"im comin over ur house so we can go out."
"ok".so den my friend Damien who i havent chilled wit in a while calls me to see if i wanna go with him bowling with 5 other girls...and he already told one of the girls ima be going so she wont feel left out or FUK
Chill with a good friend that i dont see often OR chill wit my homeboy and 5 other girls...Im in a predicament..or what i like to call "A Tight Pickle"
so im like fuk
"Damien, just tell that girl that im sorry i cant make it. Tell her something bad happened and i cudnt go."
"Yo camilo c,mon man!, shes mad cute pretty face, short, bangin body"
"hmmmmmm dam"
"Camilo aww dats fuked up man fuked up"
Den i get a text
from- Ralphy "yo you wana save it for 2morow?"
Angels singing- AAAAAAAWWWWWW
so i ended up going wit damien and it was pretty fun. The girl was cute but i felt bad cuz she was really bored and awkward cuz she didnt know n e one. ..Just like and plus i had a headache ughh..
Overall it was fun, cuda been better if i didnt get that headache.
DEn i realized that i had a headache cuz i havent eaten the whole day. So we ate at "Whataburger"...DELICIOUSO
I will sleep good tonight.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My time will come..
Later I will go to school. I will succeed in what i put my mind to. Watch me. Imma do great and overcome all the odds. I know i have the potential to do something great. All i need is motivation and ambition. Something that I will have to obtain in order to be the person i want to be in the future.

i will become great at what i do
Extraordinary Swag
I think my fav. part is T.I.'s
So I've been listening to this song. by Justin Nozuka. Weird last name but i like his song "After Tonight". Makes me wanna sing this song to a that's how much i like it.
Justin Nozuka "After Tonight"
Today I noticed the Awesomeness of ordering shit from the Internet rather than going to the stores. Its really convenient except when shits "Out of Stock".FUK!. I was on and ordering some paintings and the ones I like are already Sold Out
hm..What have i been doing you say?..nothing really. Working most of the time and hanging with friends. Gotta start saving up some money so i can pay for my soon-to-be cars insurance and tags and shit. Can't Wait
Sexus 98 baby..Sexus 98
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I Want You!!!!
So we hed to O town to come and find that everything is closed. Fukin A mayne. Then all i here is" Hey we should all go to the movie"
"James. wtf thats fukin homo man. Five guys, no girls, going tot the moives?..fag"
well wouldnt u kno ...we ended up going to the DEATH RACE...that was the movie we plannd. Apperently is rated R and dumbass me didnt bring my Id. So we practically begged for the girl to jus let me in cuz mayne im 18! .lol. So she let us in, i winked at her, and blew her a kiss..always works
Death race was pretty good. Action packed, fast paced..and that hot girl..o man.

Her name is Natalie Martinez. Shes apparently a spokemodel for Jennifer Lopez's clothing line. "JLo" and she's cuban..a hot smoking cuban who i would cater to.I think i just fell in love..I want to take her on a date, PAY FOR HER FOOD, AND THEN CALL HER BACK THE NEXT DAY! Thats sum serious shit man.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What now?
So i went out and my boss was there and we started to talk. You can say that we had like a 30 min Heart to Heart conversation. He's like family to me and not just my boss. Now i know i can ask him for help when i really need it.
Then after that we played some Uno. I won of course..because c,mon..its me =).But what sukd was that i ended up sleepin on a small ass couch with no pillow or was so uncomfortable. I barely slept through the night. Felt like i was a fat overwieght baby still in my mothers whomb..cramped and wet.
Then the next day i had to go and chill wit my dad and the family. Pretty fun because i took them to the Premium Outlets. I even got to buy a new shirt. Then the following day ..which is today..i took them to the mall and i bought a shirt and sum Kidrobot keychains.
During my stay i chilled wit my lil cuzins. Theyre both 7 and Cynthia and I were talking about my parents. She goes. "So your dad and your mom broke yup?"
"Yea, they broke up"
"But your mom will always be your mom and your dad will always be your dad"
"Your right.."
"My daddy was telling me that what happened between them had nothing to do with us and dat he will wlays be my dad, so Yuor mom will always be your mom"
That touched me..not in a perv way but in a weird emotional way. A 7 year old was telling me something I will always remember. My mom will always be my mom and my dad will always be my dad..and thats how it will always be.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Everything I Am
So we ended up going to Old Town, ehh nothing special. But i did see my cousin and my friend who i havent seen since like December. Felt good because i actually did miss them.
So theres this girl im currentl talking to..Idk i feel like we're taking it way too fast which makes me back off..I don't know what to do really. I do care for her, so I dont want to hurt her, but I'm just not a boy to get mixed up with. I learned from experience that right now, Im not supposed to be in a relationship. I don't like to call and report myself on where im at, who am i with, what time am i going home, blah blah blah. Im just not good with that,but i dont know..
So this Kanye West song "Everything I Am" is soo good. Just the simple piano and background vocals makes this song great. Kanye killed it again. This song reminds me of Winter Park because everytime me and Mark go, we end up playing this song a lot. lol
OoO and look what i found! The new Flashing Lights Video. Pretty weird but hey its Kanye, what do you expect??
And on the same topic on Kanye West, C.R.S.'s new video for Everyone Nose remix is out
IDK..pretty cool i guess. I like the old school video games for the background.
while we're in this road full of music videos, I want to talk about someone that should get sum props. He's in the FnF Crew and no im not tlaking about Lupe. Im talking about Gemini. MAYYYYNNE this guy is something else. Not just he can sing and rap, he can do it GOOD. Straight Street im tellin you. YOu probably heard of him already, He's in Lupe's "He say She say" and "Pressure" and on The Cool's "Dumb it Down", but he got his own songs. "Got what you need" is a hot song. check it. He got his debute on the "Fahrenheit 1/15 Part V: Untamed Beast". BAsically is a mixtape on letting the world know about this Chicago based rapper. My favorite song has to be "We on" with Lupe and Pooh Bear, SHITS SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK.
Got what you need
We On
Out of topic..or topics..the movie "Tropic Thunder" has got to be the funniest movie..EVER. If Pineapple Express and Stepbrothers met in a coffe shop and then went on a date, then fell in love and had hot sex and accidently created a by-product which is an even better movie than both of them, wouldn't compare to this movie. I also heard that some people are actually boycotting the movie because of the overly use of the word "retard".Come on you fucking assholes its a fukin movie, lighten up. If your one of those people that are sensitive, dont watch it. Go buy some other pussy shit you probably jerk
I loved it =)
Parachute Down

And i also finished my drawing of the Robot. ITs called "Art-Official Intelligence".
Robots will Rule the world!! and make it an appealing
Ima keep drawing and painting and don't care if it looks garbage because drawing itself makes me feel good. Whats your medication?
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Now me and my friend Mark were looking at some paintings of Hellboy and some of them were really good, and some were.."EHH". And the prices were like from $200-$600. I was like "WHOAAAA too much for somthing i can try to do." here are some of the paintings

So we walked out the store, me with a bag full of goodies, Mark starts talking about how the prices are way too high for crappy paintings. "We should open a store and sell our own paintings for high prices and make them go outta business!"
"yea we should and draw crappy ass drawings for like $300, Fuck it, mite as well wipe my shit on a piece of white paper and sell it for $500.lolMark goes" Hahaha. Imagine you go to your high school reunion Camilo and everyone else is like rich and they ask you ,"Camilo, what have you done with your life?? Look at me im the CEO of my own company!"
I was like.. "shiiiiit..i'll be like" OoO really? well i sold my shit for $5oo what have YOU done with your life?? I SOLD SHIT FOR 500 FUCKIN DOLLARS" " lolSo I guess the point is..Art can be Anything from cool paintings, to simple portraits, to even..shit..and look.
ME and Russell's beautiful doodle. This can Def. Sell for over $500
New to this