Now me and my friend Mark were looking at some paintings of Hellboy and some of them were really good, and some were.."EHH". And the prices were like from $200-$600. I was like "WHOAAAA too much for somthing i can try to do." here are some of the paintings

So we walked out the store, me with a bag full of goodies, Mark starts talking about how the prices are way too high for crappy paintings. "We should open a store and sell our own paintings for high prices and make them go outta business!"
"yea we should and draw crappy ass drawings for like $300, Fuck it, mite as well wipe my shit on a piece of white paper and sell it for $500.lolMark goes" Hahaha. Imagine you go to your high school reunion Camilo and everyone else is like rich and they ask you ,"Camilo, what have you done with your life?? Look at me im the CEO of my own company!"
I was like.. "shiiiiit..i'll be like" OoO really? well i sold my shit for $5oo what have YOU done with your life?? I SOLD SHIT FOR 500 FUCKIN DOLLARS" " lolSo I guess the point is..Art can be Anything from cool paintings, to simple portraits, to even..shit..and look.
ME and Russell's beautiful doodle. This can Def. Sell for over $500
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