Thursday, August 14, 2008

New to this

Well here i am, blogging. Never would have thought i would be doing this really. My friend(who shall remain nameless) kind of inspired me. I was reading her blog and BAM! it hit me, i have an interesting wierd spontanious life, why not share it with the world. Who know maybe i can make people laugh with my crazy stories, or sad with my depression problem, or make people hate me for alll the fucked up shit I do. I really dont care what type of emotion you get, I only want you to FEEL Something when you read this. I want something to "Spark" inside and make you think, "Wow this kid is pretty cool" or "Wow this kid is fucked up in the head" or even maybe "WOw this kid disgusts me and should burn in hell". And maybe that..That feeling will inspire you to not be like me, and become a better person in life..Inspirata. Get it, Take it in,and let it surge through your soul



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