Sunday, September 14, 2008

Such an intereesting day...

Today started off as any other work day. I went to Clarion..the Hell..ughh! Opened up like i usually do and i did nothing like i always do. Except today the lizards like went One tried to leap to this lil ledge and failed and kept doin it. It was funny. Then a Big lizard was chasing a smaller lizard. One ate like 5 flies infront of me. They were all like on crack. It amused me from the time being. LEarned and read about "War of the Worlds" and "The Day the Earth Stood Still". IT's going to be a good movie. I already know what happens cuz its a remake but tis going to be better watch.

After work my friend Mark picked me up. We went to his house to find his other friends waiting outside. He has funny ass friends. They decided to go to their other friend's house to "jam". It was interesting..very. Then we headed back to Mark's house to play Soul Cal. And thats when the hurrendous cursing began. "Fukin asshole!!!" and "FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK ME!" was heard in the

it started to get late so we were hungry and went to Wendy'

What are we getting?

To Drink??

Wait we dont got enough!?

Too much change...

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