Then on my mission to find out whats going on this weekend. Found out my friends are in town for the weekend. hmmmm..cool.Might as well sleep over one of their appartments, so i take my clothes and neccesities. So Russ pickes me up and we arrive at the game and we witness a beatdown that is usually known as one of Gateway High School football games. It was soo weird. Just going back there made me realized that i miss all the fun times i had there. =/ I had madd fun mayne!. So we meet with more friends there at the game chilled till it was over. 40 somthing to 0. Gateway lost of course. There we decided that we're going to go to Lake Brently Swim Meet just for the Fuk of it.
While at the game we call other people and we rendevouse at Denny's. In total we had 10 ppl at a table.lol We chill there for like 3 hours and tlaking about vaginas and how Mario is a pedo cuz all of his myspace comments are from lil petit girls.lol
So it's around 10 ish and Russell had to pick up his mom so we left with him and he dropped me and mario fof at mario's crib. There we had to fill his car up with gas..and this is how he did it..

as you can see he had to do it the hard way..by just pouring it it from a canister.lol took like 10 min..soo long. and we were eaten by misquitos.=(
Then a couple min. later we went to pick up Russell..and if those that don't know, Russell is the funniest kid i know. Here he is.
And after that went to pick up EJ at this weird place. So its bout 1 ish and after we pik him up we go back up to Mario's place. IMMEDIATLEY when i get there i scanned the whole kitchen for some foods. I went in the pantry, got sum snacks. Went to the cooler and got some cold freshness from the cooler.."Dead Sea"...hmmm DEAD FLAVOR.
Anyways so Mario and EJ go upstairs and its jus Me and Rus in the kitchen.....Bad move MArio. NEVA EVA LEAVE ME OR RUSS IN UR KITCHEN LET ALONE TOGETHER. We tore that place a new one. Ate everything in sight..well i tried. we came up with some good combos. Crackers and butter. Dorrios and buttter. Banana's dipped in butter...nOt a smart idea and some of the bananas are really small!.lol LOOK!
Chocolate chip cookies dipped in milk. Chocolate chip cookies dipped in Water..DEAD FLAVORED WATER. MArio comes in
lol funny and all laughed and mario-
"SHhhhhhhhh my mom is sleeping not too loud"
all you hear after..
lol funny shit . ppl are throwin banana peels and balls and shit.lol it was like 2 ish so mario had to take Russ back home.
EJ tlaking in his sleep nd shit i cudnt stop laughin and so i fell asleep around 3 am ish
Woke up around 5 20 am to..
"Camilo, wake up. Mike's coming in like 10 min."
I wasnt happy. Im not an early person.
Mike and Russ come in we head to School so we can leave with the swim team. Everyone is all suprised and shit that we came. More suprise at me cuz i was never part of the swim team..EVER. Maybe for like a day.lol
WE take a ride with Craigs mom, so Its Craig's Mom, Craig, Me, Russ, Mike, Melissa(craigs sis), EJ, and Mario..in a car..early..with gangster music.lol funny we were all singing along to every song.
we get there and theres so many kids there! and it was all hot and we had to set up this tent.SETTED UP.lol we bizidounce and went to this gym i kept hearing about.
There's one reason what made this gym soo fukin fun..ITS PITCHED BLACK DARK
We all ran around. Yelling loud crazy raunchy obscene( i cant even describe it) noises.lol Then Russell took it to the next level..he took off his clothes and ran around in his speedos.lol. then after awhile this random white boy stranger comes in. we tell him,
"Theres this crazy black kid running around in his speedos. ITs so creepy"
Russell runs by a lit part of the gym.
"Omy i see him"
the White boy starts chasing him.lol Ten minutes later he stopped and realized there was no chance in hell he can ever catch Russell.lol
It was SOOO FUN. I had a blast at the gym. At one point i didnt hear n e thing..except for this..
Basically a couple of hours of running around we sat and chilled for a bit then the lights turn don and we had to go cuz of basketball practice. GAY.
We had to sit outside in the hot and sticky weather. UGH.
UGHHHH. It SUKED ASS CUZ IT WAS SOOOOO HOT but fun cuz we were all talking and sayin funny shit and i got to meet new friends. And PLUS there were soo many hot girls in swim suites..=) It ate few snacks and Gaterades and i took a nice nap. Me, Mike, Mario, and Russ were all exhausted cuz neither of us got enuff sleep and ughh..fuk!
The time passed somehow and it got to be 1 or 2..idk.and the swim meet had like a break and we went to Sweet Tomatoes to eat!! yay!!!...NO. NOT AT ALL!. ITS A BUFFET...A SALAD BUFFET. FUK WHOEVER CREATED SHOULD BURN IN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY. or in Mike's case Just walk around with a pinecone up there ass.lol
We totally snuck in cuz we werent gunna pay for this shitty food.WE got these girls to get us some food.
HORRIBLE. the food didnt satisfy me.=(
Den we rode back and ughh..back to settin up the tent on the hot place. I took a nap again and was knocked out.
Then we went to the gym cuz Mike and MArio were there and a couple of ppl from the team. Chilled and met these dumb ass white girls and we told them we were all gay. One of the kids ask Mike
"If your gay why dont u kiss one of your friends"
We all look at each other..uhh
"If your striaght then kiss any of these girls".
lol funny thing was he was kinda retarded.lol IM SORRY!
They left there shit at the gym once they left..bad idea..look we Russ did with their blanket.
After a few min..or an hour or so we went back outside. Took another nap and woke up. This time the gym had the lights turnd off.lol =)
We went and ran back and it was like even more darker. We started to look for the pillows from that pile and we got into a pillow fight. I was scared cuz i cudnt see shit and i kept gettin hit random pple with pillows and i kept getting hit from everywhere.
"AHHHHHHHH BLAHHH FLASP FLP LAPS!!!!!!!!!!!" and a couple of strawberries.lol
it lastd like a while. until we had to go. Mellisa comes in and said we had to go.
Then the dumb white girls come back.
all i here is Mike yell
We all ran out and the Meet was done. It finished around 6.pm. On the way to the car
"Did anyone hit the girls cause all i heard someone smackin and pushing and girls yelling"
Mario- "Yea that was me. I pushed thema nd owned them"
i get home around 8 ish and was on the virge of going to a party. I was excited and then it shut down. =(. I fell asleep around 12 is and so tired at work. I was falling asleep at Clarion!.lol
but it was really exciting and im still tired..it took me a while to write this cuz im so tired.lol
i just got back from walmart and this made me laugh..MAde with 100% Reall Baby Seal.=)
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