Tuesday, June 30, 2009

its always about this time..

1 am

Always during the late hours with this shit.

I gotta stop.

I ask my self this question about every weekend.

After the 6 days of the week are over, i ask myself

"Camilo, why are you still single??"

and becauce im clinically insane i try to answer myself by making an elaborate excuse on how
"I'm too young and im focuzing on my work and school"


i think its because

1- i apperently dont know how to talk to the RIGHT girls, and when i talk to the WRONG girls, i just get some..

2- Quoting my sister, "Your jus a hoe Camilo"

3- I have come up with these standards of what i want in a girl. expectations that are fuckin ridiculous and i know i will never find that one

4-..the most scariest one..and with goosebumps i write this last excuse..

Im afraid i dont know how to love anymore.. i want to try..but i dont think i can reach any girls expectations...Its..gone?

Currently listenin to

Say You Will
Kanye West

1 comment:

: ) said...