Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Today was you say..

Active day.

I worked

Work was ok, but these kids were being SUPER FUCKIN ANNOYING

i wanted to to do this...

falcon punch Pictures, Images and Photos


den i got home.

I was still sore from my last workouts and i was guna rest today, but im an idiot so i went to the gym and my body jus gave out
im tooo sore and tired

shuda listen to Jasmine lol

"lol. no just your guna kill yourself"

i almost did. lol

After i was done witht htat

my friend picked me up and we went to their house.

Played sum Wii and Smash

i had a good time

Went home around 11 and on the way there me and Russell were having a convo about our lives and how its sad how people seperate themselves from another and focusing on their work.

We got really deep into it

"It sucks when people are forced into working because all their lives they are thought that the only way to live your life to the fullest is by filling up your entire time doing work and raising a family".

Not that its bad, but i dont want to be committed into something when im not fully going to believe in it.

Basically OUR lives are on paper

Birth Certificate


Social Security

You need Money

Fuck all that

then they say you owe the government money?!

"BULLSHIT. You were brought to this planet as a free person. Us, as human beings dont owe shit to no one. And us as human beings dont have rights. WE DONT HAVE RIGHTS. WE ARE FREE."

If you look at it kinda like this way, you dont need those paper, no rights, no government. And also money

I dont need money. well let me rephrase this.

Money isnt the ONLY thing that can make me happy.

Theres no point of being fuckin rich

if you dont have people to share your wealth with

This is what Russell said and i quote

"If i had like 300 million dollars, i would buy us a big ass mansion. Each of us get one room, and jus get shit that would support us like food and shit. buy a RV and a bus and drive it to Burger King whenever we're hungry."

Sounds like the life for me. =)

I got home, to see my mom stressed as fuhh
almost crying.

I hate seeing her like this.


i dont see the light at the end of this tunnel..

You guys dont know how good you have it..

Believe me

Kills me lil by lil...every time i see her like this

Soon enough

il be the one stressing and crying

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