Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What now?

SO i Had to wrk yesterday witht he tropical strom "Fay". I would call it Tropical storm "Gay". Wasn't nothing too serious. A lot of rain and winds but expectated a lot more. Work was ok..until i went to our room!. We had to get our own room due to the storm.YES always wanted to stay there.We were about to play Uno, until Linz started to talk and i knew it was guna be FOREVER.

So i went out and my boss was there and we started to talk. You can say that we had like a 30 min Heart to Heart conversation. He's like family to me and not just my boss. Now i know i can ask him for help when i really need it.

Then after that we played some Uno. I won of course..because c,mon..its me =).But what sukd was that i ended up sleepin on a small ass couch with no pillow or was so uncomfortable. I barely slept through the night. Felt like i was a fat overwieght baby still in my mothers whomb..cramped and wet.

Then the next day i had to go and chill wit my dad and the family. Pretty fun because i took them to the Premium Outlets. I even got to buy a new shirt. Then the following day ..which is today..i took them to the mall and i bought a shirt and sum Kidrobot keychains.

During my stay i chilled wit my lil cuzins. Theyre both 7 and Cynthia and I were talking about my parents. She goes. "So your dad and your mom broke yup?"

"Yea, they broke up"
"But your mom will always be your mom and your dad will always be your dad"
"Your right.."
"My daddy was telling me that what happened between them had nothing to do with us and dat he will wlays be my dad, so Yuor mom will always be your mom"

That touched me..not in a perv way but in a weird emotional way. A 7 year old was telling me something I will always remember. My mom will always be my mom and my dad will always be my dad..and thats how it will always be.

1 comment:

Maria said...

First of all your the second coolest colombian after moi!

Second,yea the weirdly the little ones always give you the best advice or whatever that was.

Thats just life =/.