Saturday, September 6, 2008

Maybe i found it...

So yesterday i was supposed to work. I woke up around 8:30 and gettin ready, ironing my shirt and putting a shitload of gel to my hair. (Swear in the future ima be bald due to the overuse of gel =(). I was eating sum cereal and i here my phone ringing. "RHYNO RHYNO RHYNO".lol i have my manager under He was like

"Ima cancel your shift today Toby"

"WUT? why man?!"

"havent u looked outside? ITS RAINING. Didnt u hear about Hannah??"

"oo yea...Hannah"

"Well we're not going to open outside so you dont have to work today"


7 hours out the window. Worst thing was i couldnt go back to sleep. So i tried to make the day go fast by




4)postin random bullitens on Myspace

5)masturbat sum more

6)peanut butter and bologna sandwhiches.....=) delicioso

i was sooooooooo fukin bored.UGh words cannot even begin to describe the boredness that was given birth in!

So i start textin MADDD PPL to find out wut ima do

A)One wanted to go to the movies

B)Another wanted to go to this club

C)And another wanted to go paintballin

D)and one asked if i wanted to go to a Christian Concert.

A-Couldnt go cuz of her mom

C) couldnt go due to work

D sounded more interestin than B

I chose "C" =)

It was pretty cool. I went with two of my friends and had a fun time. The bands were pretty good and saw ppl who i didnt really expect to be there

Then when all the music was done this guy came to the stage and started talkin. He talked with so much emotion about God and Jesus.

He said that people didnt know what to be saved from. People think that they need to be saved from sin, but no. They need to be saved by God's Wrath and God is the only one who can save them. His whole speech hit me real hard. Saying that we dont have to ask for forgiveness because we will continue to sin throughout our lives and if we just BELIEVE and TRUST in Jesus, KNOW WHY HE DIED FOR US, having faith in Jesus will save you from God's Wrath.

I liked it alot. I liked who i was around with because everyone was really nice to me. I want to keep going there and see what happens.

1 comment:

Maria said...

lmaoo i love how you masturbate more than anything else

you dirty..anyways

im glad you felt like that..even tho your mad at me =(..idk why?