1:00 morning.
I have a pending essay due tomorrow which i havent started.
I have to go pay bills tomorrow.
From school go straight to work.
Times like these make me think. I believe we were brought here in this world to do much more than to work for the rest of our lives. Why must our lives be filled wit tragic deaths or credit card debit. Everything, almost everything brings sadness and stress into out lives..well..my life.. There are a couple of people and things that relieve my from this stress, but i dont know how long this euphoria is going to last..hopefully it lasts, cuz ima bout to break down
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
i find it kind of funny...
I find it kind of sad.
The dreams in which im dying
are the best I've ever had.
I find it hard to tell you.
I find it hard to take.
When people run in circles
its a very very
Mad World
The dreams in which im dying
are the best I've ever had.
I find it hard to tell you.
I find it hard to take.
When people run in circles
its a very very
Mad World
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
i cant help it..
i find myself late at night,before wandering to a deep sleep, staring at your pictures. Is it ur gorgeous eyes?..Or your natural beauty over all?.
i dont know. I cant help but to create a fantasy world in my head of you comin for Christmas. I cant help it..i picture pickin u up from the airport and me takin you to your hotel. Then when you're all settled, i take u too Chilli's so you can eat and meet my sister. Afterwards, to my house so you can meet my mom. As the day goes by, nightfall arrives and i take you back to your hotel.
I drop you off but i dont go home. I stay with you..
i dont know. I cant help but to create a fantasy world in my head of you comin for Christmas. I cant help it..i picture pickin u up from the airport and me takin you to your hotel. Then when you're all settled, i take u too Chilli's so you can eat and meet my sister. Afterwards, to my house so you can meet my mom. As the day goes by, nightfall arrives and i take you back to your hotel.
I drop you off but i dont go home. I stay with you..
Dont Sleep on these Catz!
So i fell asleep maddddd late last night.around 5 ish. I wonder who kept me up that long!.lol
but any who, today is Thanksgiving Day. so be thankful for what you got and for all the friends you have obtain throughout your life. I am thankful for
1)Being Alive-Shit I could have died twice last week!
2) Mom and my sister- even though they can be a pain in the ass, i Still Love them
3) Friends- Im thankful for meeting all my friends. Theyre too cool for school!
Anyways, I was bored and decided to look for some good music. Mayne what i found, WAS GOLD
I dont understand why people now "Sleeping on theze Catz"? Their way of thinkin is ridiculous. I got like a top 5 but im only going to mention the top 2 for now. Dont sleep on them. check it
1) Charles Hamilton- He's just blunt. He aint scared to be real. If you dont believe me, here Sonicthehamilton.blogspot.com or iamnotcharleshamilton.blogspot.com
Alot of mixtapes but he's not coming out with his major debut album in a while. Meanwhile, just check him out
Freestyling on DjEnuff's radioshow.
2)Asher Roth- Man i heard his shit on myspace..MAN Reminds me of...eminmen. Take it as you want, you need to listen to him.
Kills "A Milli"
Charles and Asher speak to the public
oo man this track is hot
Charles Hamilton, Asher Roth, and B.O.B.
Change Gon Come
XXL Photoshoot Vid.

and Happy Thanksgiving
but any who, today is Thanksgiving Day. so be thankful for what you got and for all the friends you have obtain throughout your life. I am thankful for
1)Being Alive-Shit I could have died twice last week!
2) Mom and my sister- even though they can be a pain in the ass, i Still Love them
3) Friends- Im thankful for meeting all my friends. Theyre too cool for school!
Anyways, I was bored and decided to look for some good music. Mayne what i found, WAS GOLD
I dont understand why people now "Sleeping on theze Catz"? Their way of thinkin is ridiculous. I got like a top 5 but im only going to mention the top 2 for now. Dont sleep on them. check it
1) Charles Hamilton- He's just blunt. He aint scared to be real. If you dont believe me, here Sonicthehamilton.blogspot.com or iamnotcharleshamilton.blogspot.com
Alot of mixtapes but he's not coming out with his major debut album in a while. Meanwhile, just check him out
Freestyling on DjEnuff's radioshow.
2)Asher Roth- Man i heard his shit on myspace..MAN Reminds me of...eminmen. Take it as you want, you need to listen to him.
Kills "A Milli"
Charles and Asher speak to the public
oo man this track is hot
Charles Hamilton, Asher Roth, and B.O.B.
Change Gon Come
XXL Photoshoot Vid.

and Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
i hate holidays..
I was talking to my Dad about Next semesters tuition payment. We settled that shit and we got t talking..Its already known that my Dad isnt coming for Thanksgiving, now i found out he wont be here for Christmas either. Sucks not seeing my Dad for the holidays.. Same as last year. I miss him..alot. I wish we were a family again..like we used to be.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Funny how things are..
Man i just dont know anymore. I try but i guess it will never be noticed, but you know what thats cool. Like i said, i respect it and i am not going to say anything more.
Still 4.3. just know that you have the ability to hurt me like no one else does.
Still 4.3. just know that you have the ability to hurt me like no one else does.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wow.who knew i wouldlearn something from this.
These pass couple of days have been really..how can I put this. Streesful?. I owe people money. Im getting no hours.. My phone is going to be cut off soon because i need my car to go and pay the bill. i have no cable. I sometimes, randomly, get wireless connection on my laptop. Idk its jus "UGH"
but because of all thise i seem to get stuff done. I finally finished the book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time' Pretty good book and i finally cleaned my room. it looks so clean.lol
Last night i was talking to my ex girlfriend that lives in Ny and we were catching up on a lot. She still hot and rides a red G35 on black rims..so sexy and we just talked.And she just called me RIGHT NOW.lol as i am typing this we are talking and i love her voice. It just soothes me.=)
g2g talk to her
but because of all thise i seem to get stuff done. I finally finished the book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time' Pretty good book and i finally cleaned my room. it looks so clean.lol
Last night i was talking to my ex girlfriend that lives in Ny and we were catching up on a lot. She still hot and rides a red G35 on black rims..so sexy and we just talked.And she just called me RIGHT NOW.lol as i am typing this we are talking and i love her voice. It just soothes me.=)
g2g talk to her
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Legend of Milo and the Sacred Ring
Tonight i need some advice from my friend ..who shall be called "Nayr".
We were talking and i gt some good advice off of him and hopefully he got some good advice off of me. So by the middle of the convo we started talking about time..about how time is the best solution for everything,except for cancer...but thats not the point here. The point is..well..uhm...
The Legend..has begun...
p.s. dont im him u stalkers!
Nayrskater (12:22:25 AM): so im letting time tell me.
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:30 AM): time rules
Nayrskater (12:22:33 AM): alot
Nayrskater (12:22:37 AM): *gets old and dies*
Nayrskater (12:22:40 AM): FUCK TIME!
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:41 AM): NOOOOOOOOOo
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:43 AM): come back
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:48 AM): rewinds time
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:52 AM): ....
Nayrskater (12:22:58 AM): *poops pants*
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:00 AM): hahaha
Nayrskater (12:23:00 AM): too back!
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:04 AM): ok ok
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:13 AM): Forwards time
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:20 AM): ryan?
Nayrskater (12:23:48 AM): *random voice*
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:57 AM): no!
Nayrskater (12:24:06 AM): The year is 2245, Milo has just saved the world from ryan the gaint
chewycrunchy16 (12:24:15 AM): ??
chewycrunchy16 (12:24:17 AM): LMAO
Nayrskater (12:27:32 AM): hahaha
chewycrunchy16 (12:27:38 AM): why is ryan the gian bad?
Nayrskater (12:28:27 AM): cause my dick was so huge that it destory so much land so people are always attacking my dick
chewycrunchy16 (12:28:39 AM): HAHAHAHAHAHA
chewycrunchy16 (12:28:43 AM): lmfao
chewycrunchy16 (12:29:05 AM): Milo had to attak the Legendary Snake but how?
Nayrskater (12:29:32 AM): what else
Nayrskater (12:29:34 AM): The Ring!
chewycrunchy16 (12:29:51 AM): The Onering to rule them All?
chewycrunchy16 (12:29:56 AM): or the Vaginal Ring?
Nayrskater (12:30:11 AM): the one ring to do them all!
chewycrunchy16 (12:30:21 AM): oh...shit...
Nayrskater (12:30:21 AM): sorry. sounded cool.
chewycrunchy16 (12:30:26 AM): hahah
Nayrskater (12:30:30 AM): no the ring to rule them all.
chewycrunchy16 (12:30:51 AM): Milo goes in search of the Sacred Ring, but where can he find such a artifact?
Nayrskater (12:31:09 AM): Markus the one of none.
chewycrunchy16 (12:32:21 AM): The Wold and Wise Markus?
Nayrskater (12:32:29 AM): yes.
Nayrskater (12:32:37 AM): in the Mounation of Japan.
Nayrskater (12:32:44 AM): With is England in 2245
chewycrunchy16 (12:33:15 AM): of course
chewycrunchy16 (12:33:24 AM): cuz we all know England will rule the world
chewycrunchy16 (12:33:38 AM): elementary politics
Nayrskater (12:33:54 AM): HAHAHAHHAHAHHHA
Nayrskater (12:33:55 AM): OMG
Nayrskater (12:33:57 AM): ahahahha
chewycrunchy16 (12:34:11 AM): lmfao
Nayrskater (12:34:12 AM): SO king Banksy,Markus' Brother.
chewycrunchy16 (12:34:28 AM): Ruler of England
Nayrskater (12:34:48 AM): yes.
chewycrunchy16 (12:34:58 AM): continue...
Nayrskater (12:36:15 AM): Now England is a full blown Canvus of art. with banksy art.
chewycrunchy16 (12:36:33 AM): ....badass
Nayrskater (12:37:26 AM): So Milo the One went to Japan and for badass coffee then badass monsters fought his badass so badass people fought badass orcs badass in japan which is badass
Nayrskater (12:37:36 AM): so badass is so badass that badass wants badass in more badass
Nayrskater (12:37:39 AM): get it?
Nayrskater (12:37:43 AM): isn't this badass!!!
chewycrunchy16 (12:37:54 AM): Uber-badass
chewycrunchy16 (12:38:01 AM): so much asses that are bad
Nayrskater (12:38:05 AM): LMAOOOO!
Nayrskater (12:38:11 AM): ahhahah
chewycrunchy16 (12:38:11 AM): that my mind will soon blow up
Nayrskater (12:38:14 AM): HAHHAHA
chewycrunchy16 (12:38:18 AM): and leave fragments of ass..
chewycrunchy16 (12:38:22 AM): terrible ass
Nayrskater (12:38:58 AM): hahhaa
Nayrskater (12:39:07 AM): wow funny dude i was laughing really ard
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:14 AM): lmfao
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:26 AM): u must con.t this badass story
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:39 AM): i shall publish this legen throughout my blog and myspace bullitens
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:41 AM): so that
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:53 AM): everyone shall know the Lgend that iss..
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:54 AM): Milo
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:57 AM): =)
Nayrskater (12:40:17 AM): So after badass milo fights.
Nayrskater (12:40:24 AM): Markus was badass inpressed.
chewycrunchy16 (12:40:29 AM): word?
Nayrskater (12:40:42 AM): and told him the problem with badass ryan the gaint and his badass penis of death.
chewycrunchy16 (12:41:02 AM): DEATH DICK
chewycrunchy16 (12:41:10 AM): PENIS OF PULVURIZATION
chewycrunchy16 (12:41:19 AM): MEGA MANLINESS
Nayrskater (12:41:36 AM): Markus gave him a map to go to badass mout. doom of badass
chewycrunchy16 (12:41:37 AM): ..as so they call it
Nayrskater (12:42:40 AM): So milo got a badass horse of badassness.
chewycrunchy16 (12:42:47 AM): black and red
chewycrunchy16 (12:42:52 AM): smuthered in cheetah blood
chewycrunchy16 (12:42:54 AM): ?
Nayrskater (12:43:00 AM): And went to Mout. Doom of badass.YESSS !!
Nayrskater (12:43:01 AM): hahhahahahha
chewycrunchy16 (12:43:03 AM): cuz thats how u can run fast
chewycrunchy16 (12:43:08 AM): cheetah blood
chewycrunchy16 (12:43:10 AM): =)
Nayrskater (12:43:16 AM): HAHHAHHAHAA
Nayrskater (12:43:41 AM): so him and his badass cheetah blood monster horse of badassness were off on there jonury
chewycrunchy16 (12:43:55 AM): ..
Nayrskater (12:44:06 AM): to MOUT. badass OF DOOM!
Nayrskater (12:44:12 AM): wher they got the ring.
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:13 AM): DOOOOOOOOOOM
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:22 AM): how did accomplish this task
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:29 AM): isnt the ring guarded by the
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:46 AM): Three Headed Bitch of Assness?
Nayrskater (12:44:55 AM): You mean Paris Hilton?
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:58 AM): They say the reason why shes a BITCH
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:59 AM): yes her
chewycrunchy16 (12:45:11 AM): They say shes a bitch becasue she has sand trapped in her vagina
Nayrskater (12:46:22 AM): then!
Nayrskater (12:48:05 AM): Milo talked to the Three Headed Bitch of Assness aka Paris Hilton. By Milo being soo god damn smart! HE was talking to her about myspace and shopping, so she was talking soo much and more and mroe milo made a run for her vagina to get the ring which hung on Paris' Clint!
chewycrunchy16 (12:48:24 AM): juicy
Nayrskater (12:48:53 AM): then Paris like "that was not hott"
chewycrunchy16 (12:49:01 AM): lol
Nayrskater (12:49:06 AM): IT WAS BADASS!
chewycrunchy16 (12:49:13 AM): Milo had to choke a bitch
Nayrskater (12:50:08 AM): then she got up. and started chasing her. then milo whiped out his dick and she got distracted and suck for a badass minute, then milo punched a bitch
chewycrunchy16 (12:51:11 AM): had to
chewycrunchy16 (12:51:19 AM): Bitch was crazy
Nayrskater (12:52:39 AM): then when he had the ring he went for the gaint.
chewycrunchy16 (12:52:50 AM): Ryan the Giant?
chewycrunchy16 (12:52:56 AM): where thoes such a beast reside?
Nayrskater (12:53:21 AM): In a long lost place called.
Nayrskater (12:53:30 AM): Ohio
chewycrunchy16 (12:53:33 AM): Ohio?
Nayrskater (12:53:36 AM): wait
Nayrskater (12:53:40 AM): *blows up*
chewycrunchy16 (12:53:44 AM): ?
Nayrskater (12:54:14 AM): In a long lost place called.... Mianus
chewycrunchy16 (12:54:26 AM): thats in Connecticut
chewycrunchy16 (12:54:27 AM): lol
Nayrskater (12:54:40 AM): ....
chewycrunchy16 (12:54:44 AM): ....
Nayrskater (12:54:50 AM): THEN! Milo went to find him!
chewycrunchy16 (12:55:17 AM): ...
Nayrskater (12:56:08 AM): And he was at a Gaint bar on Gaint ave.
chewycrunchy16 (12:56:47 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (12:56:54 AM): searching for Giant poon
Nayrskater (12:56:56 AM): REALLY hard to miss!.
Nayrskater (12:57:20 AM): Then Milo entered the Gaint bar. no one noticed cause its a gaint bar,
Nayrskater (12:57:42 AM): and he is like 5 foot every freak inside is like 24 feet.
chewycrunchy16 (12:57:43 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (12:57:44 AM): true
Nayrskater (12:58:08 AM): then. he saw ryan the gaint and made the move.
Nayrskater (12:58:27 AM): wait
chewycrunchy16 (12:58:38 AM): ..
chewycrunchy16 (12:58:41 AM): waiting
Nayrskater (12:58:42 AM): are you actually reading this?? and like going to blog or something?
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:14 AM): yea
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:18 AM): y not
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:21 AM): this shits hilarious
Nayrskater (1:02:27 AM): lmao oh alright
Nayrskater (1:02:38 AM): your going to type it out though right.
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:48 AM): the wonders
Nayrskater (1:02:51 AM): not just copy and paste right?
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:52 AM): of copy and past my friend
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:57 AM): oo
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:57 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:58 AM): haha
Nayrskater (1:02:59 AM): oh alright.
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:00 AM): hmm...
Nayrskater (1:03:10 AM): anyways.
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:13 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:14 AM): ok
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:16 AM): n e wyas
Nayrskater (1:03:36 AM): HE run up for the gaint. but ryan is stupid he is retarded!
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:52 AM): lmao
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:59 AM): as all giants are
Nayrskater (1:04:14 AM): Milo race on his badass horse and jump on leg and started to climb his leg hair.
Nayrskater (1:04:30 AM): then which for his head.
Nayrskater (1:04:39 AM): ryan didn't notice a thing.
Nayrskater (1:05:08 AM): so he got to his ear and climbed in. but his ear was full of flowers and jews.
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:19 AM): HAHAHA
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:25 AM): dam Jews
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:36 AM): i thought they were weak against flowers?
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:40 AM): o no
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:41 AM): wait
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:47 AM): they can sell them and make money
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:50 AM): continue
Nayrskater (1:05:51 AM): LMAO
Nayrskater (1:05:52 AM): hahahha
Nayrskater (1:05:53 AM): Milo was shocked to see that Seth Rogan was Ryan's Brain.
chewycrunchy16 (1:06:12 AM): Seth de Rogan?
Nayrskater (1:06:28 AM): No Seth Rogan the jew.
Nayrskater (1:06:39 AM): nothing speical come on he is Jewish.
chewycrunchy16 (1:06:44 AM): oo
chewycrunchy16 (1:06:45 AM): LMAO
Nayrskater (1:06:52 AM): anyways.
Nayrskater (1:07:31 AM): When Milo was about to attack, Seth Rogan Stoped Milo with an amazing. Line from one of his films. and the room became quiet.
chewycrunchy16 (1:07:45 AM): What line was it??
Nayrskater (1:08:00 AM): hold on im thining.
Nayrskater (1:09:35 AM): thinking***
chewycrunchy16 (1:09:43 AM): ...
Nayrskater (1:10:56 AM): damn i got nothing.
Nayrskater (1:10:57 AM): oh
Nayrskater (1:10:59 AM): ok*
Nayrskater (1:11:03 AM): fuck seth rogan.
chewycrunchy16 (1:11:12 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:11:13 AM): jew
Nayrskater (1:11:25 AM): SeinFeld was the brain of ryan
chewycrunchy16 (1:11:35 AM): dam..power
Nayrskater (1:11:46 AM): and Seinfeld said "whats the deal with airplane food?!"
Nayrskater (1:11:52 AM): And milo stoped.
chewycrunchy16 (1:11:56 AM): gasp
Nayrskater (1:12:53 AM): and Just looked at him with such shame. that milo just said "I'm sorry I tired to kill you"
chewycrunchy16 (1:13:13 AM): tired?
Nayrskater (1:13:26 AM): Tried*
chewycrunchy16 (1:15:28 AM): oo ok
Nayrskater (1:15:55 AM): Seinfeld just laughed, and asked "What do you want? Ryans' Brain?" Milo Reacted fast with a yes. And Seinfeld just point at a switch that was 5 feet away that said on and off.
chewycrunchy16 (1:16:16 AM): lol
Nayrskater (1:16:28 AM): Milo was soo confused.
chewycrunchy16 (1:16:47 AM): bet
Nayrskater (1:16:49 AM): So he ran for the switch and changed it. to off.
Nayrskater (1:16:57 AM): then nothing happend.
chewycrunchy16 (1:16:58 AM): did it work!?
chewycrunchy16 (1:17:00 AM): noooo
Nayrskater (1:17:06 AM): THEN! Ryan started to fall.
chewycrunchy16 (1:17:15 AM): dam..dat was easy
Nayrskater (1:17:25 AM): and the Jews yelled "SAVE THE MONEY!"
chewycrunchy16 (1:17:31 AM): hahha
chewycrunchy16 (1:17:37 AM): and "SAVE THE FLOWERS!"
Nayrskater (1:18:30 AM): EVery one was in was run in choas and when ryan hit the floor of the bar. Jews started running out of his head. and music started playing in the bar in cheer of that the great ryan is dead.
chewycrunchy16 (1:18:46 AM): lol
Nayrskater (1:18:51 AM): then Milo climbed out with a victor!
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:06 AM): lol sweeeet
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:12 AM): what about his huge penis
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:28 AM): wudnt a menacin menace take it and use it for power?
Nayrskater (1:19:43 AM): And then he Markus came in the bar and Granted him the kiss to his golden bathroom. And the great penis was chopped up and fed the hungry kids of japan.
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:52 AM): kiss?
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:59 AM): haha
chewycrunchy16 (1:20:09 AM): what about ethiopian kids?
Nayrskater (1:20:33 AM): in the year 2245 afirca is just a huge disney place.
Nayrskater (1:20:43 AM): no one is hungry there.
chewycrunchy16 (1:20:44 AM): hahahahahaha
Nayrskater (1:21:08 AM): then Milo used the golden bathroom and shat for years and years.
chewycrunchy16 (1:21:15 AM): nice
chewycrunchy16 (1:21:16 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:21:18 AM): well done
Nayrskater (1:21:19 AM): The End..
chewycrunchy16 (1:21:28 AM): i must save this
Nayrskater (1:22:02 AM): but markus had something up.
Nayrskater (1:22:05 AM): HE wasn't happy with Banksy.
Nayrskater (1:22:16 AM): tune in next for the next installment of BADASSNESS 2!
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:19 AM): whaat?!!!
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:26 AM): sweeeeet
Nayrskater (1:22:30 AM): hahaha
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:32 AM): nice
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:35 AM): hilarious
Nayrskater (1:22:37 AM): wow how random was all of that.
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:37 AM): fukin genious
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:39 AM): genius
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:47 AM): jews?
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:48 AM): lol
Nayrskater (1:22:50 AM): hahahha
chewycrunchy16 (1:23:00 AM): wow
chewycrunchy16 (1:23:04 AM): next story
chewycrunchy16 (1:23:12 AM): i have to narrorate
Nayrskater (1:23:17 AM): yea.
Nayrskater (1:24:18 AM): we will have to make a prolong for ryan gaint. and markus.
chewycrunchy16 (1:24:34 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:24:36 AM): ok
chewycrunchy16 (1:24:41 AM): prologue?
We were talking and i gt some good advice off of him and hopefully he got some good advice off of me. So by the middle of the convo we started talking about time..about how time is the best solution for everything,except for cancer...but thats not the point here. The point is..well..uhm...
The Legend..has begun...
p.s. dont im him u stalkers!
Nayrskater (12:22:25 AM): so im letting time tell me.
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:30 AM): time rules
Nayrskater (12:22:33 AM): alot
Nayrskater (12:22:37 AM): *gets old and dies*
Nayrskater (12:22:40 AM): FUCK TIME!
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:41 AM): NOOOOOOOOOo
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:43 AM): come back
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:48 AM): rewinds time
chewycrunchy16 (12:22:52 AM): ....
Nayrskater (12:22:58 AM): *poops pants*
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:00 AM): hahaha
Nayrskater (12:23:00 AM): too back!
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:04 AM): ok ok
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:13 AM): Forwards time
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:20 AM): ryan?
Nayrskater (12:23:48 AM): *random voice*
chewycrunchy16 (12:23:57 AM): no!
Nayrskater (12:24:06 AM): The year is 2245, Milo has just saved the world from ryan the gaint
chewycrunchy16 (12:24:15 AM): ??
chewycrunchy16 (12:24:17 AM): LMAO
Nayrskater (12:27:32 AM): hahaha
chewycrunchy16 (12:27:38 AM): why is ryan the gian bad?
Nayrskater (12:28:27 AM): cause my dick was so huge that it destory so much land so people are always attacking my dick
chewycrunchy16 (12:28:39 AM): HAHAHAHAHAHA
chewycrunchy16 (12:28:43 AM): lmfao
chewycrunchy16 (12:29:05 AM): Milo had to attak the Legendary Snake but how?
Nayrskater (12:29:32 AM): what else
Nayrskater (12:29:34 AM): The Ring!
chewycrunchy16 (12:29:51 AM): The Onering to rule them All?
chewycrunchy16 (12:29:56 AM): or the Vaginal Ring?
Nayrskater (12:30:11 AM): the one ring to do them all!
chewycrunchy16 (12:30:21 AM): oh...shit...
Nayrskater (12:30:21 AM): sorry. sounded cool.
chewycrunchy16 (12:30:26 AM): hahah
Nayrskater (12:30:30 AM): no the ring to rule them all.
chewycrunchy16 (12:30:51 AM): Milo goes in search of the Sacred Ring, but where can he find such a artifact?
Nayrskater (12:31:09 AM): Markus the one of none.
chewycrunchy16 (12:32:21 AM): The Wold and Wise Markus?
Nayrskater (12:32:29 AM): yes.
Nayrskater (12:32:37 AM): in the Mounation of Japan.
Nayrskater (12:32:44 AM): With is England in 2245
chewycrunchy16 (12:33:15 AM): of course
chewycrunchy16 (12:33:24 AM): cuz we all know England will rule the world
chewycrunchy16 (12:33:38 AM): elementary politics
Nayrskater (12:33:54 AM): HAHAHAHHAHAHHHA
Nayrskater (12:33:55 AM): OMG
Nayrskater (12:33:57 AM): ahahahha
chewycrunchy16 (12:34:11 AM): lmfao
Nayrskater (12:34:12 AM): SO king Banksy,Markus' Brother.
chewycrunchy16 (12:34:28 AM): Ruler of England
Nayrskater (12:34:48 AM): yes.
chewycrunchy16 (12:34:58 AM): continue...
Nayrskater (12:36:15 AM): Now England is a full blown Canvus of art. with banksy art.
chewycrunchy16 (12:36:33 AM): ....badass
Nayrskater (12:37:26 AM): So Milo the One went to Japan and for badass coffee then badass monsters fought his badass so badass people fought badass orcs badass in japan which is badass
Nayrskater (12:37:36 AM): so badass is so badass that badass wants badass in more badass
Nayrskater (12:37:39 AM): get it?
Nayrskater (12:37:43 AM): isn't this badass!!!
chewycrunchy16 (12:37:54 AM): Uber-badass
chewycrunchy16 (12:38:01 AM): so much asses that are bad
Nayrskater (12:38:05 AM): LMAOOOO!
Nayrskater (12:38:11 AM): ahhahah
chewycrunchy16 (12:38:11 AM): that my mind will soon blow up
Nayrskater (12:38:14 AM): HAHHAHA
chewycrunchy16 (12:38:18 AM): and leave fragments of ass..
chewycrunchy16 (12:38:22 AM): terrible ass
Nayrskater (12:38:58 AM): hahhaa
Nayrskater (12:39:07 AM): wow funny dude i was laughing really ard
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:14 AM): lmfao
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:26 AM): u must con.t this badass story
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:39 AM): i shall publish this legen throughout my blog and myspace bullitens
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:41 AM): so that
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:53 AM): everyone shall know the Lgend that iss..
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:54 AM): Milo
chewycrunchy16 (12:39:57 AM): =)
Nayrskater (12:40:17 AM): So after badass milo fights.
Nayrskater (12:40:24 AM): Markus was badass inpressed.
chewycrunchy16 (12:40:29 AM): word?
Nayrskater (12:40:42 AM): and told him the problem with badass ryan the gaint and his badass penis of death.
chewycrunchy16 (12:41:02 AM): DEATH DICK
chewycrunchy16 (12:41:10 AM): PENIS OF PULVURIZATION
chewycrunchy16 (12:41:19 AM): MEGA MANLINESS
Nayrskater (12:41:36 AM): Markus gave him a map to go to badass mout. doom of badass
chewycrunchy16 (12:41:37 AM): ..as so they call it
Nayrskater (12:42:40 AM): So milo got a badass horse of badassness.
chewycrunchy16 (12:42:47 AM): black and red
chewycrunchy16 (12:42:52 AM): smuthered in cheetah blood
chewycrunchy16 (12:42:54 AM): ?
Nayrskater (12:43:00 AM): And went to Mout. Doom of badass.YESSS !!
Nayrskater (12:43:01 AM): hahhahahahha
chewycrunchy16 (12:43:03 AM): cuz thats how u can run fast
chewycrunchy16 (12:43:08 AM): cheetah blood
chewycrunchy16 (12:43:10 AM): =)
Nayrskater (12:43:16 AM): HAHHAHHAHAA
Nayrskater (12:43:41 AM): so him and his badass cheetah blood monster horse of badassness were off on there jonury
chewycrunchy16 (12:43:55 AM): ..
Nayrskater (12:44:06 AM): to MOUT. badass OF DOOM!
Nayrskater (12:44:12 AM): wher they got the ring.
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:13 AM): DOOOOOOOOOOM
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:22 AM): how did accomplish this task
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:29 AM): isnt the ring guarded by the
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:46 AM): Three Headed Bitch of Assness?
Nayrskater (12:44:55 AM): You mean Paris Hilton?
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:58 AM): They say the reason why shes a BITCH
chewycrunchy16 (12:44:59 AM): yes her
chewycrunchy16 (12:45:11 AM): They say shes a bitch becasue she has sand trapped in her vagina
Nayrskater (12:46:22 AM): then!
Nayrskater (12:48:05 AM): Milo talked to the Three Headed Bitch of Assness aka Paris Hilton. By Milo being soo god damn smart! HE was talking to her about myspace and shopping, so she was talking soo much and more and mroe milo made a run for her vagina to get the ring which hung on Paris' Clint!
chewycrunchy16 (12:48:24 AM): juicy
Nayrskater (12:48:53 AM): then Paris like "that was not hott"
chewycrunchy16 (12:49:01 AM): lol
Nayrskater (12:49:06 AM): IT WAS BADASS!
chewycrunchy16 (12:49:13 AM): Milo had to choke a bitch
Nayrskater (12:50:08 AM): then she got up. and started chasing her. then milo whiped out his dick and she got distracted and suck for a badass minute, then milo punched a bitch
chewycrunchy16 (12:51:11 AM): had to
chewycrunchy16 (12:51:19 AM): Bitch was crazy
Nayrskater (12:52:39 AM): then when he had the ring he went for the gaint.
chewycrunchy16 (12:52:50 AM): Ryan the Giant?
chewycrunchy16 (12:52:56 AM): where thoes such a beast reside?
Nayrskater (12:53:21 AM): In a long lost place called.
Nayrskater (12:53:30 AM): Ohio
chewycrunchy16 (12:53:33 AM): Ohio?
Nayrskater (12:53:36 AM): wait
Nayrskater (12:53:40 AM): *blows up*
chewycrunchy16 (12:53:44 AM): ?
Nayrskater (12:54:14 AM): In a long lost place called.... Mianus
chewycrunchy16 (12:54:26 AM): thats in Connecticut
chewycrunchy16 (12:54:27 AM): lol
Nayrskater (12:54:40 AM): ....
chewycrunchy16 (12:54:44 AM): ....
Nayrskater (12:54:50 AM): THEN! Milo went to find him!
chewycrunchy16 (12:55:17 AM): ...
Nayrskater (12:56:08 AM): And he was at a Gaint bar on Gaint ave.
chewycrunchy16 (12:56:47 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (12:56:54 AM): searching for Giant poon
Nayrskater (12:56:56 AM): REALLY hard to miss!.
Nayrskater (12:57:20 AM): Then Milo entered the Gaint bar. no one noticed cause its a gaint bar,
Nayrskater (12:57:42 AM): and he is like 5 foot every freak inside is like 24 feet.
chewycrunchy16 (12:57:43 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (12:57:44 AM): true
Nayrskater (12:58:08 AM): then. he saw ryan the gaint and made the move.
Nayrskater (12:58:27 AM): wait
chewycrunchy16 (12:58:38 AM): ..
chewycrunchy16 (12:58:41 AM): waiting
Nayrskater (12:58:42 AM): are you actually reading this?? and like going to blog or something?
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:14 AM): yea
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:18 AM): y not
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:21 AM): this shits hilarious
Nayrskater (1:02:27 AM): lmao oh alright
Nayrskater (1:02:38 AM): your going to type it out though right.
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:48 AM): the wonders
Nayrskater (1:02:51 AM): not just copy and paste right?
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:52 AM): of copy and past my friend
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:57 AM): oo
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:57 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:02:58 AM): haha
Nayrskater (1:02:59 AM): oh alright.
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:00 AM): hmm...
Nayrskater (1:03:10 AM): anyways.
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:13 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:14 AM): ok
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:16 AM): n e wyas
Nayrskater (1:03:36 AM): HE run up for the gaint. but ryan is stupid he is retarded!
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:52 AM): lmao
chewycrunchy16 (1:03:59 AM): as all giants are
Nayrskater (1:04:14 AM): Milo race on his badass horse and jump on leg and started to climb his leg hair.
Nayrskater (1:04:30 AM): then which for his head.
Nayrskater (1:04:39 AM): ryan didn't notice a thing.
Nayrskater (1:05:08 AM): so he got to his ear and climbed in. but his ear was full of flowers and jews.
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:19 AM): HAHAHA
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:25 AM): dam Jews
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:36 AM): i thought they were weak against flowers?
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:40 AM): o no
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:41 AM): wait
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:47 AM): they can sell them and make money
chewycrunchy16 (1:05:50 AM): continue
Nayrskater (1:05:51 AM): LMAO
Nayrskater (1:05:52 AM): hahahha
Nayrskater (1:05:53 AM): Milo was shocked to see that Seth Rogan was Ryan's Brain.
chewycrunchy16 (1:06:12 AM): Seth de Rogan?
Nayrskater (1:06:28 AM): No Seth Rogan the jew.
Nayrskater (1:06:39 AM): nothing speical come on he is Jewish.
chewycrunchy16 (1:06:44 AM): oo
chewycrunchy16 (1:06:45 AM): LMAO
Nayrskater (1:06:52 AM): anyways.
Nayrskater (1:07:31 AM): When Milo was about to attack, Seth Rogan Stoped Milo with an amazing. Line from one of his films. and the room became quiet.
chewycrunchy16 (1:07:45 AM): What line was it??
Nayrskater (1:08:00 AM): hold on im thining.
Nayrskater (1:09:35 AM): thinking***
chewycrunchy16 (1:09:43 AM): ...
Nayrskater (1:10:56 AM): damn i got nothing.
Nayrskater (1:10:57 AM): oh
Nayrskater (1:10:59 AM): ok*
Nayrskater (1:11:03 AM): fuck seth rogan.
chewycrunchy16 (1:11:12 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:11:13 AM): jew
Nayrskater (1:11:25 AM): SeinFeld was the brain of ryan
chewycrunchy16 (1:11:35 AM): dam..power
Nayrskater (1:11:46 AM): and Seinfeld said "whats the deal with airplane food?!"
Nayrskater (1:11:52 AM): And milo stoped.
chewycrunchy16 (1:11:56 AM): gasp
Nayrskater (1:12:53 AM): and Just looked at him with such shame. that milo just said "I'm sorry I tired to kill you"
chewycrunchy16 (1:13:13 AM): tired?
Nayrskater (1:13:26 AM): Tried*
chewycrunchy16 (1:15:28 AM): oo ok
Nayrskater (1:15:55 AM): Seinfeld just laughed, and asked "What do you want? Ryans' Brain?" Milo Reacted fast with a yes. And Seinfeld just point at a switch that was 5 feet away that said on and off.
chewycrunchy16 (1:16:16 AM): lol
Nayrskater (1:16:28 AM): Milo was soo confused.
chewycrunchy16 (1:16:47 AM): bet
Nayrskater (1:16:49 AM): So he ran for the switch and changed it. to off.
Nayrskater (1:16:57 AM): then nothing happend.
chewycrunchy16 (1:16:58 AM): did it work!?
chewycrunchy16 (1:17:00 AM): noooo
Nayrskater (1:17:06 AM): THEN! Ryan started to fall.
chewycrunchy16 (1:17:15 AM): dam..dat was easy
Nayrskater (1:17:25 AM): and the Jews yelled "SAVE THE MONEY!"
chewycrunchy16 (1:17:31 AM): hahha
chewycrunchy16 (1:17:37 AM): and "SAVE THE FLOWERS!"
Nayrskater (1:18:30 AM): EVery one was in was run in choas and when ryan hit the floor of the bar. Jews started running out of his head. and music started playing in the bar in cheer of that the great ryan is dead.
chewycrunchy16 (1:18:46 AM): lol
Nayrskater (1:18:51 AM): then Milo climbed out with a victor!
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:06 AM): lol sweeeet
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:12 AM): what about his huge penis
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:28 AM): wudnt a menacin menace take it and use it for power?
Nayrskater (1:19:43 AM): And then he Markus came in the bar and Granted him the kiss to his golden bathroom. And the great penis was chopped up and fed the hungry kids of japan.
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:52 AM): kiss?
chewycrunchy16 (1:19:59 AM): haha
chewycrunchy16 (1:20:09 AM): what about ethiopian kids?
Nayrskater (1:20:33 AM): in the year 2245 afirca is just a huge disney place.
Nayrskater (1:20:43 AM): no one is hungry there.
chewycrunchy16 (1:20:44 AM): hahahahahaha
Nayrskater (1:21:08 AM): then Milo used the golden bathroom and shat for years and years.
chewycrunchy16 (1:21:15 AM): nice
chewycrunchy16 (1:21:16 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:21:18 AM): well done
Nayrskater (1:21:19 AM): The End..
chewycrunchy16 (1:21:28 AM): i must save this
Nayrskater (1:22:02 AM): but markus had something up.
Nayrskater (1:22:05 AM): HE wasn't happy with Banksy.
Nayrskater (1:22:16 AM): tune in next for the next installment of BADASSNESS 2!
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:19 AM): whaat?!!!
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:26 AM): sweeeeet
Nayrskater (1:22:30 AM): hahaha
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:32 AM): nice
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:35 AM): hilarious
Nayrskater (1:22:37 AM): wow how random was all of that.
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:37 AM): fukin genious
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:39 AM): genius
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:47 AM): jews?
chewycrunchy16 (1:22:48 AM): lol
Nayrskater (1:22:50 AM): hahahha
chewycrunchy16 (1:23:00 AM): wow
chewycrunchy16 (1:23:04 AM): next story
chewycrunchy16 (1:23:12 AM): i have to narrorate
Nayrskater (1:23:17 AM): yea.
Nayrskater (1:24:18 AM): we will have to make a prolong for ryan gaint. and markus.
chewycrunchy16 (1:24:34 AM): lol
chewycrunchy16 (1:24:36 AM): ok
chewycrunchy16 (1:24:41 AM): prologue?
Randomness is the path to Happiness??
So last night i stood up reading the manga for Naruto Shippudden. Ridiculous.
Sorrow,remourse,anger,frustrated,confused,astounded,bewildered,befundled(thats not even a real word..but it is to me). So much SHIT happening. It was awsome. If you're not into anime then dont bother...jerk
but if you are, you obviously know what im talking about. Here is just a glimpse of Naruto...
Awsome AMV..the subtitles are in spanish.lol
Nice Yay?
But im close to the ending and its just too much for my lil hopeless brain to comprehend. Still, i say, its probably one of the greatest anime's iv seen.
Speaking of "Greatest Anime's"
Considering I hav no cable nd shit, i took on a journey to find some dvds i have scattered around my room and i found my "Fullmetal Alchemist" DVDs. Now even if you dont like anime, i bet you'll like this one. Its one like non-other, i Promise you that. Its the BEST ANIME, in my opinion of course. The series is great and the movie is great. Just about everything about it is great. no lie.lol
Watch it sometime. here is a video. Enjoy the first episode
"To Challenge the Sun"
Basiclaly what happened was the two lil kids (al and Ed) tried to bring back their dead mother back to life, but they had to exchange something of equal value.( Al's body and Ed's LEg) and then Ed brought Al's soul back by exchangin his arm and attached his soul to a suit of armor. Crazy shit for lil kids huh?
its pretty dramatic and cool.
So anyways after i was done with my Anime, i got on to search on this Mixtape iv been hearing on the internt by Charles Hamilton called "Sonic the Hamilton". Pretty sick. Maybe i like it cuz he sampled bits nd pieces offe Sonic games.lol Pretty dope. Search him and check out his music. He's sign to Interscope records. Youtube him, might find something interestin. He Ill.
but today was an ok day. chilled with Nick and Bruno. Took them to The Village at Winter Park. Bought me a souvineir and bounced to Taco bell. Meanwhile trying to find my allusive cd player that is obviously not in my car.lol Overall today was an ok day. Maybe something cool is waiting for me tomoorrow?? Maybe. Maybe you, Yes YOU, should hit me up and suprise me.=)
Still havent found dat One Girl that i can feel comfortable with. I wanna just find her and just be with her already.lol. Im tired of being single. Yes. I SAID IT.TIRED> i want somebody there by my side, im just too damn picky man. =/ Maybe i should change before i go for that search...
Sorrow,remourse,anger,frustrated,confused,astounded,bewildered,befundled(thats not even a real word..but it is to me). So much SHIT happening. It was awsome. If you're not into anime then dont bother...jerk
but if you are, you obviously know what im talking about. Here is just a glimpse of Naruto...
Awsome AMV..the subtitles are in spanish.lol
Nice Yay?
But im close to the ending and its just too much for my lil hopeless brain to comprehend. Still, i say, its probably one of the greatest anime's iv seen.
Speaking of "Greatest Anime's"
Considering I hav no cable nd shit, i took on a journey to find some dvds i have scattered around my room and i found my "Fullmetal Alchemist" DVDs. Now even if you dont like anime, i bet you'll like this one. Its one like non-other, i Promise you that. Its the BEST ANIME, in my opinion of course. The series is great and the movie is great. Just about everything about it is great. no lie.lol
Watch it sometime. here is a video. Enjoy the first episode
"To Challenge the Sun"
Basiclaly what happened was the two lil kids (al and Ed) tried to bring back their dead mother back to life, but they had to exchange something of equal value.( Al's body and Ed's LEg) and then Ed brought Al's soul back by exchangin his arm and attached his soul to a suit of armor. Crazy shit for lil kids huh?
its pretty dramatic and cool.
So anyways after i was done with my Anime, i got on to search on this Mixtape iv been hearing on the internt by Charles Hamilton called "Sonic the Hamilton". Pretty sick. Maybe i like it cuz he sampled bits nd pieces offe Sonic games.lol Pretty dope. Search him and check out his music. He's sign to Interscope records. Youtube him, might find something interestin. He Ill.
but today was an ok day. chilled with Nick and Bruno. Took them to The Village at Winter Park. Bought me a souvineir and bounced to Taco bell. Meanwhile trying to find my allusive cd player that is obviously not in my car.lol Overall today was an ok day. Maybe something cool is waiting for me tomoorrow?? Maybe. Maybe you, Yes YOU, should hit me up and suprise me.=)
Still havent found dat One Girl that i can feel comfortable with. I wanna just find her and just be with her already.lol. Im tired of being single. Yes. I SAID IT.TIRED> i want somebody there by my side, im just too damn picky man. =/ Maybe i should change before i go for that search...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Can you buy a Filter for your life??
So i was working Saturday and after work my co-worker Israel wanted to check out my car. He used to work at a dealership so maybe he can give me a few pointers and shit. So i go and the first thing he talks about is keeping the air filter clean and shit. Well he open the panel and grabbed my air filter.
SHIT WAS DIRTYYYYYYYYYYYY.lol leaves and bugs and shit was everywhere.
"O man, camilo. This is real dirty. You need to buy one real soon".lol
well he showed me his 2008 Chevy Cobalt...soo sexy. and his air filter lasts forever. It costs about $40 but all you need to do is clean it, not replace it. So maybe in the future, i"ll buy it, but for now ,i"ll buy a cheap one...
Today i was at school and finally said to myself.
"Hey, im going to by my filter today"
After i got done with class, im driving to my house and i see a car in the side of me. And its one of my classmates.lol We were shouting out our windows while doing like $50 on John Young
So i got my filter, which was like $15..gas money totally gone!
we exchanged numbers and apparently he lives in my complex.So we decided to car pool from now on to save some gas.
sweet. now i dont have to waste as much gas now.
SHIT WAS DIRTYYYYYYYYYYYY.lol leaves and bugs and shit was everywhere.
"O man, camilo. This is real dirty. You need to buy one real soon".lol
well he showed me his 2008 Chevy Cobalt...soo sexy. and his air filter lasts forever. It costs about $40 but all you need to do is clean it, not replace it. So maybe in the future, i"ll buy it, but for now ,i"ll buy a cheap one...
Today i was at school and finally said to myself.
"Hey, im going to by my filter today"
After i got done with class, im driving to my house and i see a car in the side of me. And its one of my classmates.lol We were shouting out our windows while doing like $50 on John Young
So i got my filter, which was like $15..gas money totally gone!
we exchanged numbers and apparently he lives in my complex.So we decided to car pool from now on to save some gas.
sweet. now i dont have to waste as much gas now.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Mhhmmm mhhhmmmm...
Now there is a couple of things you have to know about me.
top 5 things i despise.
1) Stupid girls.- Ugh one of the top 25 reasons why guys use girls. There Stupid. thats why if you notice your bf treatin you like he doesn't care. cuz your stupid and boring and BLAH. I like interesting smart girls. =). Those are the best.
2)Stop signs and Red Lights.- I Fucking hate stopping while im driving. I dont like the g forces and seat belts tighten and shit. fuck. I wish all intersections had round-abouts.lol NEver stopping. ITs like having sex and when you're about to reach orgasm, the girl stops and leaves. Like WTF? Blue balls much?
3)"Hood Niggas" acting hard over myspace. Its one thing to be "hood in da streets" nd shit but over the internet?. C'mon. The only thing your going to reach is the world realizing how illiterate you are and how you obviously never invested in a dictionary. Stupid punks. And "Goons"?? WTF? just the name is idiotic. Grow up and be a man..not a Goon.lol
4)Arguing with a girl.- Guys are never right.So why bother? And plus if you somehow "Win" you really dont win..at all. You'll look like the asshole that made the girl cry. So Girls are alwayz right..until one day...
5)Kissing someone that doesnt know how to kiss.-Feels like your kissing a wall or a retard. Fuk practice with your hands or something,if not for you, atleast for the girl/boy your trying to mac. Fuk.
Now that i got that over with, now the Top 5 Things i Like.
1) Smart Attractive Girls. If i EVER see you out there. Be Aware. I will be arround your proximity. Its enough that if the girl is smart, thats cool. Interesting convo's will soon spring up and we get to know each other. yea yea, BUT IF SHES ACTUALLY HOT OR CUTE. WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAA. Thats the best. Ask n e guy. WE ACTUALLY WOULD PIK A SMART CUTE ATTRACTIVE GIRL RATHER THAN THOSE THAT ARE SMOKING HOT BUT ONLY CARE ABOUT HOW THEY LOOK LIKE AND THAT ARE BUMS. And if there INDEPENDENT.. FUCK!!!! ITS A WRAP! DONE. I WOULD FALL FOR THEM IMMEDIATELY.
2)Chocolate Chip Cookies. Not Just n e old chocolate chip cookies. HOMEMADE chocolate chip cookies, UGH. so good. With a cup of milk on the side. Instant Orgasm. Sooooo delicious. Not so nutritious. But DAM FUCKIN RIDICULOUS.
3)Girls. There nice to look at.
4) Friends. I always like being surrounded by my friends. Makes everything more fun.
5) Laughing and Smiling. If you ever catch me out there, You'll probably see my laughing or smiling. Just cant help myself.lol Smiling is contagious.
top 5 things i despise.
1) Stupid girls.- Ugh one of the top 25 reasons why guys use girls. There Stupid. thats why if you notice your bf treatin you like he doesn't care. cuz your stupid and boring and BLAH. I like interesting smart girls. =). Those are the best.
2)Stop signs and Red Lights.- I Fucking hate stopping while im driving. I dont like the g forces and seat belts tighten and shit. fuck. I wish all intersections had round-abouts.lol NEver stopping. ITs like having sex and when you're about to reach orgasm, the girl stops and leaves. Like WTF? Blue balls much?
3)"Hood Niggas" acting hard over myspace. Its one thing to be "hood in da streets" nd shit but over the internet?. C'mon. The only thing your going to reach is the world realizing how illiterate you are and how you obviously never invested in a dictionary. Stupid punks. And "Goons"?? WTF? just the name is idiotic. Grow up and be a man..not a Goon.lol
4)Arguing with a girl.- Guys are never right.So why bother? And plus if you somehow "Win" you really dont win..at all. You'll look like the asshole that made the girl cry. So Girls are alwayz right..until one day...
5)Kissing someone that doesnt know how to kiss.-Feels like your kissing a wall or a retard. Fuk practice with your hands or something,if not for you, atleast for the girl/boy your trying to mac. Fuk.
Now that i got that over with, now the Top 5 Things i Like.
1) Smart Attractive Girls. If i EVER see you out there. Be Aware. I will be arround your proximity. Its enough that if the girl is smart, thats cool. Interesting convo's will soon spring up and we get to know each other. yea yea, BUT IF SHES ACTUALLY HOT OR CUTE. WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAA. Thats the best. Ask n e guy. WE ACTUALLY WOULD PIK A SMART CUTE ATTRACTIVE GIRL RATHER THAN THOSE THAT ARE SMOKING HOT BUT ONLY CARE ABOUT HOW THEY LOOK LIKE AND THAT ARE BUMS. And if there INDEPENDENT.. FUCK!!!! ITS A WRAP! DONE. I WOULD FALL FOR THEM IMMEDIATELY.
2)Chocolate Chip Cookies. Not Just n e old chocolate chip cookies. HOMEMADE chocolate chip cookies, UGH. so good. With a cup of milk on the side. Instant Orgasm. Sooooo delicious. Not so nutritious. But DAM FUCKIN RIDICULOUS.
3)Girls. There nice to look at.
4) Friends. I always like being surrounded by my friends. Makes everything more fun.
5) Laughing and Smiling. If you ever catch me out there, You'll probably see my laughing or smiling. Just cant help myself.lol Smiling is contagious.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
i just got my internet back fuck yea!
. i havent been postin up any new udates cuz i havent gottin on. no wireless.=(
but no since i got it back expect more!!! i just voted too
. i havent been postin up any new udates cuz i havent gottin on. no wireless.=(
but no since i got it back expect more!!! i just voted too
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