but any who, today is Thanksgiving Day. so be thankful for what you got and for all the friends you have obtain throughout your life. I am thankful for
1)Being Alive-Shit I could have died twice last week!
2) Mom and my sister- even though they can be a pain in the ass, i Still Love them
3) Friends- Im thankful for meeting all my friends. Theyre too cool for school!
Anyways, I was bored and decided to look for some good music. Mayne what i found, WAS GOLD
I dont understand why people now "Sleeping on theze Catz"? Their way of thinkin is ridiculous. I got like a top 5 but im only going to mention the top 2 for now. Dont sleep on them. check it
1) Charles Hamilton- He's just blunt. He aint scared to be real. If you dont believe me, here Sonicthehamilton.blogspot.com or iamnotcharleshamilton.blogspot.com
Alot of mixtapes but he's not coming out with his major debut album in a while. Meanwhile, just check him out
Freestyling on DjEnuff's radioshow.
2)Asher Roth- Man i heard his shit on myspace..MAN Reminds me of...eminmen. Take it as you want, you need to listen to him.
Kills "A Milli"
Charles and Asher speak to the public
oo man this track is hot
Charles Hamilton, Asher Roth, and B.O.B.
Change Gon Come
XXL Photoshoot Vid.

and Happy Thanksgiving
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