top 5 things i despise.
1) Stupid girls.- Ugh one of the top 25 reasons why guys use girls. There Stupid. thats why if you notice your bf treatin you like he doesn't care. cuz your stupid and boring and BLAH. I like interesting smart girls. =). Those are the best.
2)Stop signs and Red Lights.- I Fucking hate stopping while im driving. I dont like the g forces and seat belts tighten and shit. fuck. I wish all intersections had NEver stopping. ITs like having sex and when you're about to reach orgasm, the girl stops and leaves. Like WTF? Blue balls much?
3)"Hood Niggas" acting hard over myspace. Its one thing to be "hood in da streets" nd shit but over the internet?. C'mon. The only thing your going to reach is the world realizing how illiterate you are and how you obviously never invested in a dictionary. Stupid punks. And "Goons"?? WTF? just the name is idiotic. Grow up and be a man..not a
4)Arguing with a girl.- Guys are never right.So why bother? And plus if you somehow "Win" you really dont all. You'll look like the asshole that made the girl cry. So Girls are alwayz right..until one day...
5)Kissing someone that doesnt know how to kiss.-Feels like your kissing a wall or a retard. Fuk practice with your hands or something,if not for you, atleast for the girl/boy your trying to mac. Fuk.
Now that i got that over with, now the Top 5 Things i Like.
1) Smart Attractive Girls. If i EVER see you out there. Be Aware. I will be arround your proximity. Its enough that if the girl is smart, thats cool. Interesting convo's will soon spring up and we get to know each other. yea yea, BUT IF SHES ACTUALLY HOT OR CUTE. WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAA. Thats the best. Ask n e guy. WE ACTUALLY WOULD PIK A SMART CUTE ATTRACTIVE GIRL RATHER THAN THOSE THAT ARE SMOKING HOT BUT ONLY CARE ABOUT HOW THEY LOOK LIKE AND THAT ARE BUMS. And if there INDEPENDENT.. FUCK!!!! ITS A WRAP! DONE. I WOULD FALL FOR THEM IMMEDIATELY.
2)Chocolate Chip Cookies. Not Just n e old chocolate chip cookies. HOMEMADE chocolate chip cookies, UGH. so good. With a cup of milk on the side. Instant Orgasm. Sooooo delicious. Not so nutritious. But DAM FUCKIN RIDICULOUS.
3)Girls. There nice to look at.
4) Friends. I always like being surrounded by my friends. Makes everything more fun.
5) Laughing and Smiling. If you ever catch me out there, You'll probably see my laughing or smiling. Just cant help Smiling is contagious.

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