Monday, May 25, 2009

Good Times

Wed. 20th

Second to last day of work and i was uber excited/uber bummbed

ima miss dat job oh dee yo.

I planned to go eat lunch with the girl from Interface

(name shall remain nameless..and get used to it. All the girls that i will be talkin about will be nameless)

we'll jus call her..Cute girl

i told Cute girl if she wanted to go on break wiht me around 6:30.
"ok sure"

6:25 comes around and this lady rolls up with a $600 check.

The person i was working with noticed that the check was fake and her ID was also fake. So it took us awhile to get all that shit settled.


i got like 2 text messeges sayin

"where are you??"


i get there and she's all eating.
i felt bad makin her wait.

We talked nd shit. She's real cool, funny and ima miss her wen i leave. Hopefully i get to see her before June 1st comes around. And if not, You Already know, YOU CAN COME DOWN AND VISIT ME IN FLORIDA!!!! I GOT U!


Friday- I arrive at my cousins house around 12ish. we chill for a bit and Manny picks us up to go get our cuts.

we arrive back to the house and i take a shower to get the lil hairs out nd shit.

We get ready and leave to set everything up.

Once we did
Me and Angle tried to cook tome burgers and weiners..and it didnt work.
they can all burnt nd shit LMAO

once everyone arrived, it started to get fun. Everyone was drinkin. I was in my own lil world .lol

I couldnt hold a serious convo without rockin back and forth.
shit was maddd fun

Good ppl
Good times
wuh can be better??

I fall asleep over the house madd late and i had the best sleeeeeeeep ever!!!!!

We wake up and go to IHOP.
Everyone is gettin shit like
Buttermilk pancakes
grits...u kno..Breakfast food.

Me..being Camilo orders 4 Chocolate chips pancakes with whipcream ontop.

the Waitress asks
U want normal buttermilk pancakes or chocolate pancakes?

My eyes opend up wide like i just seen a hot girl made outta candy, holdin a set of Mercedez keys on one hand, and a KY lubricant on the other.

"Yess please"


horrible breakfast food that turned against me the followin day


we leave and go to Jonathan's frined's house and play some video games. Pretty fun..i den proceeded to take more chocolate when the guy offered us some.

What can i say? Chocolate is my weakness. =)

After words we go back home
and jus chill and relax till we see the UFC Lyoto vs. Evans match

We started to watch it online while in the middle of it it shuts off and the video player says

"they caught on to us"

Jon texts on his phone and we leave to his friends house to watch the fight.

The guys were pretty cool

Offeres us some funky colored cupcakes and Rice krispies wanabee treats.
The match was good
Lyoto knocked out Rashad and now i owe Angel a Favor...fuck


We wake up
and we're just chillin wen jon asks

"Hey wana go to the beach??"

we go to the beach and was madd chill and fun

ate sum chips

played witht he big beach ball

threw rocks


it was

Then we arrived back home


and jus chilled and watched

"Zack and Mary Make A Porno"

Funny ass movie!

im here with my cousin Angel

He's on his laptop
Im on mine typing this out.

its 2:30 pm

we'll see what happenes layta today

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