Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Well dats one goodbye down =/

I was supposed to go do suttin with "Interface girl"(dont wana let ppl kno ur name thru this, so if ur readin, dont take it offensively. =]) on Tuesday night but shit happened and it didnt work.

So i decided to just stop by the follwoin day at her job at the mall.

7:30 am
i get woken up by Jon's brother cuz he needed a ride to the train station


i get woken up by a text

10 am
another text

Jonathan is makin weird noises


we wake up around 11:40 and start to get ready.

So i chill at the mall with him for a bit
till like 5 pm. Chilled and walked around.

I then asked if i can have the keys so i can go

He gladly let me borrow his car, which i think thats remarkable =)

i try to exit the mall, but they were doing construction where the entrance was and dat pissed me off, cuz it took me like 20 min to find a way out!

i get there and i go to my store to see whos workin there.

We talk and i met the girl that took my place.

She seems cool and chill.

The person in charge invited me to go to her cook out on sat


"Yea, you should come. Theres gunna be food, pool, and a hot tub!"


ima see if i can go

Den i get a text sayin

"Ur u here"


Den another one sayin

"R u here?"

shit i dont wana make her wait like last time so i go and wen i finally get there she calls me...


" Ahhh noooooooo. my pizza jus fell. Its all ur fault"

" hehe wuh??"

as im talkin to her im walkin behind her and i see the pizza residue shit on the floor.

I feel bad cuz she was callin ME to see if i was there and she dropped her food...cuz of ME

We chilled

walked around the mall for a bit

She's fukin cool and realll pretty

"Apparently im into crazy" =)

so i leave and tell her goodbye

a sad one too.

den i went to my store to say goodbye to them. Then i thought of giving her a lil present (my glow nd da dark Munny) hopefully she'll like it.

As im walking up to her,

ALL of her co-workers all lookin DEAD AT ME
Like im sum sort of wildebeest or sum shit

i gave dem da "WTF" face lol

i den got super red and nervous as i gave her my Munnny

from her reaction, i cud tell she liked it. =)

oo and wen i came up to her she told me i had her fone..and i did.

if i didnt grow the balls to give her that Munny, she wudnt have gotten her phone yo i hope she likes it..I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ur a cool person and i hope ul still be here wen i come in September
so i can take u out on a date

well i have to go
my cousin needs me!


1 comment:

xxelsyee said...

awwh thas hella sweet!!