Thursday, May 21, 2009

Almost there..

So 4 months didnt go by in a blink of an eye?

dam ima miss it up here

had mad fun

made new friends

worked at a cool ass job

ima def miss it

but i have to go back home.

I got responsibilities to uphold.

People to take care of

situations i need to clear up

friends waiting for me.

BUt..and a BIG BUT..BUTT (lol)

something is makin me wana stay here..


this blows like a dirty Ho

Partying this weekend. Cant wait!

cookout/ getty tomorrow

Club Sat

sounds like a good weekend to me yo

and Maria

stfu it was only a feeling and it was the
"What if.." feeling lol. but im glad u somewuh understand

well, ima go stuff my face with sum food
food makes me soo happy..till im done.

Den i feel fat
and i have the feeling that i suk, il work out tomorrow, i hate myself
lol jp jp

i love food =)

..o and one more thing

The Early bird doesnt get the warm

It gets to see the birth of a brand new day


1 comment:

Maria said...


well at least your comin back :)